Rosy Beyelschmidt

computer case with smoked glass door, 135x60x87 cm, mahogany chair, pane, gloves, video walkman, 4:3 color video*, no sound, 2:36 min

*Director · Writer · Performance : Rosy Beyelschmidt
*Writer · Camera · VFX · Editor : Dieter Beyelschmidt

Gallery Lutz Teutloff, Cologne, DE · 1995 (Fig. Collection Lutz Teutloff)

"here, too, the envoy brought a beautifully turned wooden pocal filled with pepper. On top of it lay a pair of gloves, miraculously slit, quilted and tasselled with silk, as a sign of a permitted and accepted favor, which the emperor himself probably made use of in certain cases."

These flowery-critical words of Goethe, written down about 200 years ago, and my present-day feelings - concerning spiritual and worldly power - form the mental framework of my video installation. Despite all scientific achievements and democratizations in modern times, 'clerical and feudalistic structures' remained or were newly formed.